Drop-in event for residents and businesses on Douglas Promenade Refurbishment Scheme

Businesses and residents are being invited to discuss how the Douglas Promenade Refurbishment Scheme will progress at a drop-in session later this week

The event will take place on Thursday 17 October, 6-9pm, in the Cushag Suite at the Best Western Palace Hotel and Casino in Douglas.

The latest phasing plans will be on display to enable people to find out when works are planned in their area and the timescales involved.

Representatives from the Department of Infrastructure project team, the Department for Enterprise – including Visit Isle of Man – Manx Utilities and contractor Auldyn Construction Limited will be available to answer any questions and provide relevant information.

In August a £6,000 grant was launched for businesses affected by the ongoing works and an additional funding package for marketing has recently been announced, with up to £2,000 available for each business. Officers will be at the Cushag Suite to discuss issues, provide advice and help complete the relevant forms.

Infrastructure Minister Ray Harmer MHK said:

‘Thursday’s event will enable people to come and talk to the project team, and the other agencies involved in the project, to get a complete overview.

‘The intention is to present the latest phasing plans for discussion and gather input by listening to businesses and residents before finalising how the scheme will unfold over the coming months. The format of the session is informal and people can call in any time between 6 and 9pm.’

For further details on Thursday’s event, contact the MyProm Project Team on +44 1624 686363 or email myprom@gov.im

Please Note: This Article was published by and remains the property of the Isle of Man Government

You may read the original article

at Isle of Man Government News 2019-10-15.