Web Solutions offer Green Hosting for Isle of Man businesses

Did you know that your website can be harmful to the environment?

All websites need to be hosted on a web server – a large computer that runs your website. These don’t need to be nearby, they can be anywhere in the world and connected by the internet.

Web servers are typically run in Data Centres with hundreds of machines and, just like your home computer or laptop, they produce heat and need fans to cool them down.

Sounds harmless enough? But when you look at the volumes of web servers and the fact that the heat they generate creates carbon dioxide which in turn contributes to global warming then you begin to see the bigger picture and the huge effect they are having on the environment.


It is estimated that if energy consumption due to web hosting keeps raising at the current rate by 2020 the industry will be polluting the planet more than the airline industry.[1]


But it’s not all bad news. There are a lot of companies out there offering ‘green hosting’ alternatives which will make your website better for the environment. As with all things green there are shades of green – some options are more environmentally friendly than others.

Web Solutions have done their homework and researched the green hosting options out there. Here is an outline of the different aspects we looked at:

  • The type of electricity they use
  • How they deal with the emissions they produce
  • How they conserve energy


Renewable energy

Some companies power their servers from wind, water or solar power. This is great as it means they are not using nuclear or fossil fuel generated power. The more companies who sign up for renewable energy, the more cost effective it will be.

  • Some companies produce renewable energy directly.
  • Some purchase Renewable Energy Credits from their local utility provider.


Carbon Offsetting

Some hosting company purchases carbon offsets to mitigate their own greenhouse gas emissions from running servers. In this way they are supporting the good work done by good causes such as renewable energy or reforestation.

  • The pros for the hosting company are that it’s easy to do and they can claim to be carbon neutral.
  • The cons are that the hosting company doesn’t actually need to make any changes – they keep on creating the same emissions. There is no incentive for a company to do things in a more environmentally friendly way. Also, by subsidising renewable energy in this way they are not allowing the environmental industry to grow in a consumer-led way which hinders the industry in achieving sustainability.


Planting trees

This another way of offsetting carbon emissions as trees naturally absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.

  • Pros – It sounds good. It can be good in the long term.
  • Cons – It can take decades before a tree can make a difference in off setting carbon emissions. Some companies are planting species that are invasive, and others are managing their trees badly.


Energy conservation

A hosting company can reduce their environmental impact by:

  • Using low-voltage computer equipment
  • Increasing active cooling with outside air during mild weather
  • Improving airflow through servers which allows for use higher cooling temperatures
  • Upgrading Computer Room Air Conditioners (CRACs) and other Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) components with more efficient units
  • Isolating cold air from hot air produced by the servers to improve loading of the HVAC equipment (which improves efficiency)
  • The use of energy efficient lighting and occupancy sensors in the building



This understanding has helped Web Solutions decide which type of Green Hosting to offer to our clients. Find out more.

Why not get in touch and find out how you can have a greener website on the Isle of Man.

[1] Source